Dear Guest,
The Knossos Beach Bungalows Suites Resort and Spa is very pleased to welcome you and your pet to the hotel.
We understand first-hand how much your pet means to you and how important its welfare means to you. That is why we have partnered with Ekonav, a worldwide association that certifies on a yearly basis and awards hotels that follow stringent guidelines regarding pet welfare. From the moment you set paw to the hotel the utmost care will be provided.
Below you will find some relevant information that will make your and your pet’s stay comfortable.
Pet Fee. There is a 20€ non-refundable pet fee per day which covers bed and snacks on arrival and room deep cleaning on departure.
Accepted Pets. We welcome dogs and cats of all ages up to 10 kgs.
Pet owners should provide the following. Passport fitted with an electronic microchip, vaccination, and deworming records with a time limit by an authorized veterinarian, Pet’s food and vitamins, short leash and/or stroller/carrier for cats, toys, disposable bags and diapers.
Pet-Friendly Areas. Pets are allowed in guests’ room, gardens, lobby and outdoor areas of food and beverage outlets and beach, on a short leash at all times.
Areas off limits for pets. Pets are not permitted in the indoor public areas of the hotel (fitness center & Spa, pool area, food, and beverage outlets). If the lobby is the nearest exit, no standing is permitted (not all of our Guests love your pets like we do).
Leash. All pets must be accompanied by an adult, be under full control of their escort, and be always on a short leash when outside the guestroom.
"Pet in Room" Sign. Please place the "Pet in Room" sign on the outside doorknob whenever your pet is in your room.
In-room Policy. If you choose to leave your pet unattended in your room, we require that you secure your pet in an appropriately designed kennel. If you will be leaving your pet in a kennel, you must be accessible via cell phone ( _______________________________ ) or email (________________________________@_________________). I understand that if the hotel staff is unable to contact me to address a disruptive issue, that the hotel reserves the right to remove the kennel (with pet) from the room. In this case, the hotel staff will keep your pet in the kennel and provide a protected environment until you are able to retrieve your pet.
Housekeeping Policy. Pets must be removed from guestroom during any housekeeping services, or Guest must place “Pet in Room” sign on door to indicate that service will not be necessary. Please call the front desk to arrange a convenient time for housekeeping service. For the safety and comfort of your pet Housekeeping will enter your room only if: (a) your pet is not present or (b) you are present, and your pet is leashed.
Damage to Guest Rooms and Common Areas. Your account will be charged for the repair or replacement cost for any damages caused by your pet.
Disturbance Policy. If we receive more than 2 (two) complaints about noise or other direct disturbance about your pet, you will be asked to intervene.
Liability. Guests with pets understand and agree that if the hotel is unable to rent a room due to damages from a Guest’s pet, the Guest is responsible for any lost room revenue incurred by the hotel while the damage is being repaired. Guests with pets accept full responsibility for all property damages and/or personal injuries resulting from their pet, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the hotel, its owners, and its operators from all liability and damage suffered as a result of the Guest’s pet.
Health Care. The health and safety of your pet is important to us, therefore if your pet becomes sick or injured during their stay, we will provide Veterinary treatment. All Veterinary accounts will be required to be paid by the pet's owner.